
Doringbaai Akkommodasie Lys: gids tot eksklusiewe, luukse en bekostigbare oornag verblyf en vakansie akkommodasie toerisme streek met 'n lys van hotelle, vakansieoorde, plesieroorde & spas, safari loseer plekke, wildplase, boskampe, bed-en-ontbyt, gastehuise, jeugherberge, kampeerplekke, strandhuis vakansie woonstelle asook selfsorg slaapplek .

Doringbaai Akkommodasie pryslys

Thorn BayDoringbaaiSelfsorg (family units) R 1,050
Thorn Bay

Thorn Bay

(familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,050)

Total Relaxation, situated on the West Coast is a small coastal town named Doringbaai, to the north is the Olifants River and to the South is Lamberts Bay. Thorn Bay is approximately 3hours from Cape Town. Travel the N7 or the coast R27. The West Coast is known for fishing and whale watching.

Die Anker GastehuisDoringbaaiGastehuis (family units) R 1,100
Die Anker Gastehuis

Die Anker Gastehuis

(familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,100)

Diamond Divers AccomadationDoringbaaiSelfsorg(POA)
Diamond Divers Accomadation

Diamond Divers Accomadation