Liwonde Nationale Park

Liwonde National Park Akkommodasie Lys: gids tot eksklusiewe, luukse en bekostigbare oornag verblyf en vakansie akkommodasie toerisme streek met 'n lys van hotelle, vakansieoorde, plesieroorde & spas, safari loseer plekke, wildplase, boskampe, bed-en-ontbyt, gastehuise, jeugherberge, kampeerplekke, vakansie woonstelle asook selfsorg slaapplek .

Liwonde National Park Akkommodasie pryslys

Bushman's BaobabLiwonde Nationale ParkLodge (family units) R 100
Bushman's Baobab

Bushman's Baobab

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 3,230)

Bushman's Baobab is situated on the junction of the Shire River and the southern boundary stream of Liwonde National Park. The symphony of hippopotamus calls will serenade you through the night and mornings are broken with the calls of the multitude of birds that have happily adopted Bushman's Baobab.