
Northern Cape Akkommodasie Lys: gids tot eksklusiewe, luukse en bekostigbare oornag verblyf en vakansie akkommodasie toerisme streek met 'n lys van hotelle, vakansieoorde, plesieroorde & spas, safari loseer plekke, wildplase, boskampe, bed-en-ontbyt, gastehuise, jeugherberge, kampeerplekke, strandhuis vakansie woonstelle asook selfsorg slaapplek .

Northern Cape Akkommodasie pryslys

Holhoed Overnight AkkommodasieSutherlandGastehuis (family units) R 24
Holhoed Overnight Akkommodasie

Holhoed Overnight Akkommodasie

vanaf R 24 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,500)

Namastat Lodge en KaravaanparkSpringbokSelfsorg (family units) R 50
Namastat Lodge en Karavaanpark

Namastat Lodge en Karavaanpark

vanaf R 50 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 450)

Namastat Lodge and Caravan Park offers comfortable accommodation situated just outside of Springbok. It lies in a narrow valley surrounded by the Koperberg Mountains, in the heart of the Namaqualand. It is the last major town before Namibia and it is known as the flower capital.

Melton Wold GasteplaasVictoria-WesGastehuis (family units) R 60
Melton Wold Gasteplaas

Melton Wold Gasteplaas

vanaf R 60 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 2,640)

Kalahari WaterKeimoes2* Selfsorg, Karavaanpark & Kampeerplek (family units) R 70
Kalahari Water

Kalahari Water

vanaf R 70 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,100)

Kalahari Water offers an exciting world full of surprising contrasts where the unapproachable desert meets the richness of the Orange River oasis.

Oewerbos Rivier CampVioolsdriftJeugherberg, Selfsorg, Karavaanpark & Kampeerplek (family units) R 75
Oewerbos Rivier Camp

Oewerbos Rivier Camp

vanaf R 75 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 950)

Oewerbos River Camp is situated on the banks of the meandering Orange River en route to the Richtersveld Transfrontier Park. Ideally positioned halfway between Cape Town and Windhoek, you'll find this stunning camp to be the ideal stopover. Oewerbos River Camp offers meals, a self-catering option and has a full bar available to its guests.

Kalahari TrailsBoksputsSelfsorg, Safari (family units) R 80
Kalahari Trails

Kalahari Trails

vanaf R 80 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,000)

Kalahari Trails is situated on a private nature reserve just 35 km south of the main entrance gate to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park at Twee Rivieren, in the heart of the red Kalahari dune fields.

Orange Rivier Rafting LodgeVioolsdriftSelfsorg (family units) R 80
Orange Rivier Rafting Lodge

Orange Rivier Rafting Lodge

vanaf R 80 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 800)

Fiddlers CreekVioolsdriftSelfsorg (family units) R 80
Fiddlers Creek

Fiddlers Creek

vanaf R 80 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 800)

Ymansdam Camping & Selfsorg CottageCalviniaSelfsorg, Karavaanpark & Kampeerplek (family units) R 80
Ymansdam Camping & Selfsorg Cottage

Ymansdam Camping & Selfsorg Cottage

vanaf R 80 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 600)

Ymansdam is situated near the Tankwa Karoo National Park at the foot of the Roggeveld Mountain. Visit Ymansdam and taste, experience and smell the lovely Karoo.

Groenriviermond AkkommodasieGariesSelfsorg (family units) R 85
Groenriviermond Akkommodasie

Groenriviermond Akkommodasie

vanaf R 85 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,037)

Kroon LodgeKamieskroonLodge (family units) R 90
Kroon Lodge

Kroon Lodge

vanaf R 90 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,837)

Springbok KaravaanparkSpringbokSelfsorg (family units) R 90
Springbok Karavaanpark

Springbok Karavaanpark

vanaf R 90 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 830)

Springbok Caravan Park is located just outside of town on the road to the airport and has campsites that include water and electricity. There is a pool and laundry service available as well.

Witput Country LodgeHopetownLodge (family units) R 95
Witput Country Lodge

Witput Country Lodge

vanaf R 95 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 95)

Witput Country Lodge is situated on a lovely farm just outside Hopetown and offers guests comfortable accommodation and camping and caravan facilities.

Springbokpan GasteplaasMcCarthys RestGastehuis, Lodge, Selfsorg, Bed-en-Ontbyt (family units) R 100
Springbokpan Gasteplaas

Springbokpan Gasteplaas

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,950)

Kalahari GastehuisUpingtonSelfsorg (family units) R 100
Kalahari Gastehuis

Kalahari Gastehuis

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 2,400)

There is something to please each weary traveller, such as the warm and stylishly rustic guesthouse offering it's patrons a cosy dining room, vibrant bedrooms and an authentic Kalahari Farm, Kitchen Shop where one can purchase true South African gifts and fresh products.  .

De Oude PutzGroblershoopKaravaanpark & Kampeerplek (family units) R 100
De Oude Putz

De Oude Putz

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 400)

De Oude Putz is a farm located in the northern border of the renowned Bushmanland and to the west of the Orange River Valley. The property offers a camping vacation on a farm with many activities and beautiful scenery.

Soutpan Safari CampPort NollothSelfsorg (family units) R 100
Soutpan Safari Camp

Soutpan Safari Camp

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 380)

Kleinplasie Camping SiteCalviniaSelfsorg (family units) R 100
Kleinplasie Camping Site

Kleinplasie Camping Site

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 800)

Nestled deep within the rugged beauty of Calvinia, Kleinplasie Camping Site offers a memorable stay to families or groups visiting this scenic part of the Northern Cape.

Klipwerf Selfsorg en KampeerplekCalviniaSelfsorg (family units) R 100
Klipwerf Selfsorg en Kampeerplek

Klipwerf Selfsorg en Kampeerplek

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 800)

Die HouthoopKleinzee3* Bed-en-Ontbyt (family units) R 100
Die Houthoop

Die Houthoop

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 780)

Die Houthoop is a guest farm in the Northern Cape, Namaqualand. The name is derived from a pile of wood, packed in a semi-circle that serves as an open air restaurant. Die Houthoop sleeps 66 people and there are 25 huts, four en-suite self-catering units and 10 grass camping with electricity.

The GrowceryVioolsdriftJeugherberg (family units) R 100
The Growcery

The Growcery

vanaf R 100 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 960)

Sterland KaravaanparkSutherlandSelfsorgR 100
Sterland Karavaanpark

Sterland Karavaanpark

vanaf R 100

Kalahari Monate Lodge en KampeerplekUpingtonLodge, Selfsorg (family units) R 114
Kalahari Monate Lodge en Kampeerplek

Kalahari Monate Lodge en Kampeerplek

vanaf R 114 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,380)

Tkabies Camping & SelfsorgKeimoesSelfsorg (family units) R 120
Tkabies Camping & Selfsorg

Tkabies Camping & Selfsorg

vanaf R 120 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 860)

Verbe KaravaanparkKamieskroonKaravaanpark & Kampeerplek (family units) R 120
Verbe Karavaanpark

Verbe Karavaanpark

vanaf R 120 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 240)

Kgalagadi LodgeKalahari (Suid-Afrika)Lodge (family units) R 125
Kgalagadi Lodge

Kgalagadi Lodge

vanaf R 125 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 4,000)

Onze Rust Gastehuis en KaravaanparkColesbergSelfsorg, Bed-en-Ontbyt (family units) R 125
Onze Rust Gastehuis en Karavaanpark

Onze Rust Gastehuis en Karavaanpark

vanaf R 125 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,100)

Welcome to Onze Rust Guest House and Caravan Park in Colesberg an oasis in the Karoo halfway to everywhere.

Verlatenkloof GasteplaasSutherlandSelfsorg (family units) R 130
Verlatenkloof Gasteplaas

Verlatenkloof Gasteplaas

vanaf R 130 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 2,400)

Ou Skool GastehuisKeimoesSelfsorgR 133
Ou Skool Gastehuis

Ou Skool Gastehuis

vanaf R 133

Kheis Rivierside LodgeGroblershoopLodge (family units) R 134
Kheis Rivierside Lodge

Kheis Rivierside Lodge

vanaf R 134 (familie-eenhede vanaf R 1,445)

Kheis Riverside Lodge is named after the indigenous Khoi-San that means "place to stay" and is situated on the banks of the Orange River, where the Upper Karoo and Kalahari Green join together. Kheis Riverside Lodge is the perfect stop over tourists, avid campers and travellers.