| "A fire-mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A jellyfish and a saurian, And caves where the cavemen dwell; Then a sense of law and beauty, And a face turned from the clod –– Some call it Evolution, And others call it God." In the flow of time an opportunity comes but once. The Forum Homini five star boutique hotel is an experience of inestimable value. It is located in a private game reserve, The Cradle of Humankind, one of the world's most famous heritage sites. Here you can explore the planet of the ages and visit a dozen dolomitic limestone caves. View the fossilised remains of ancient forms of animals, plants and most importantly, hominids – all this just 40 minutes from Johannesburg and Pretoria.
Forum Homini is an architectural masterpiece set in a solemn and poetic landscape. Sweeping views of the valley abound from luxury suites with roofs covered in African veld. This unique design has a slightly subterranean feel with long grassveld creeping up the walls. This allows for an almost cave–like experience. Light and shadow play on the sheer expanses of glass, ensuring natural light and warmth. As you walk through this incredible site, you are presented with images layered and overlayed, even distorted by time; a subtle handprint, an ancient totem, sculptures with references to evolution.
To build a hotel in such a treasured environment is an ambitious project. Grassroot heritage site combined with opulent luxury – definitely not for the faint-hearted. This lifelong vision is the brainchild of Hendrik Marais who wanted to, "make the dramatic story of the evolution of man accessible, interesting and fun. This has manifested itself in Forum Homini Boutique Hotel and we hope that in its concept and welcoming hospitality, it becomes the gem within The Cradle." |